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Beauty Experts Debunk Skincare Myths

Is toothpaste a good spot treatment? Does make-up clog your pores and cause pimples? Our DALTON beauty experts Andrea and Vanessa take a closer look at some popular skincare myths and alleged home remedies for acne to determine what’s fact and what’s fiction.

Expert Beauty Tips

Our beauty experts are here to debunk some popular beauty myths and share a few quick and easy tips for your daily skincare routine.

Beauty Experten Andrea und Vanessa Beauty Experten Andrea und Vanessa

Our Beauty Experts Andrea and Vanessa

Myth or fact? This is what our experts have to say

You should stick to the same skincare routine all year long

Beauty myth no. 1 is false! Your skin needs more hydration during the summer, while lipid-rich products are better for winter skin. And why is that? Our beauty experts explain that our sebaceous glands are less active when temperatures drop and cannot supply the skin with enough ‘oil’. Dry air from indoor heating is another factor that strips the skin of moisture. That is why a heavier, richer face cream is great for dry skin in the winter months, while lightweight formulas (gels or lightweight moisturizers) keep the skin well hydrated during the summer. Vanessa‘s tip: "I use the products from our HYALURONIC UREA collection. Personally, I like to use the regular cream from October to March and switch to the Cream Light in April. They both contain the same concentration of beneficial ingredients, just a different amount of lipids."

Make-up causes acne and does not allow your skin to breathe

Beauty myth no. 1 is false! "This may have been true 50 years ago. Today, however, make-up is extremely advanced: Nourishing ingredients turn foundations and co. into a luxury treatment for your skin. Nothing gets clogged anymore!" says Andrea. Quite the opposite. Make-up can even protect the skin from dirt particles and pollutants. Nevertheless, it is still extremely important to remove your make-up and cleanse your face every day. “Don’t use make-up wipes, however, but a good cleanser combined with a suitable toner, " Andrea adds.

Moisturizer isn’t necessary for oily skin

Beauty myth no. 1 is false! "Skincare and face care is and always will be extremely important, pretty much regardless of your skin type: whether you have oily skin, dry skin or a little bit of everything. The only thing you need to make sure, is that the products are suitable for you and your skin. Many people with oily skin tend to avoid moisturizers or use products that not just get rid of excess oil, but lead to over-drying. Unfortunately, this will often achieve the opposite of what they want. The more you try to dry your oily skin, the more your skin will try to compensate by increasing sebum production even more. You just have to find a product with the right texture. A lightweight moisturizer with hyaluronic acid, serums or gels can work wonders for your skin, without stripping it of moisture. If you are not sure which products are best for you, please use our DALTON Product Finder.

Using perfume before spending time in the sun can lead to dark spots

Beauty myth no. 1 is true! Essential oils, like lemon, bergamot and lavender essence can increase sun sensitivity, also called photosensitivity. When they remain on the skin, too much sun exposure can send melanin production into overdrive and lead to brown spots on the skin. Melanin is a pigment found in skin cells that gives the skin its color. However, there is a simple trick to prevent this from happening and avoid hyperpigmentation: Spray your favorite perfume on your hair or clothing. Alternatively, you can make sure that your summer fragrance doesn’t contain any photosensitive ingredients when buying. But here’s an even easier solution: Just use a fast-absorbing, scented body lotion, so you can moisturize and pamper your body while enjoying the lingering fragrance. Our insider tip is the Q10 Body Lotion with anti-aging effect.

When you use a product for too long, it loses its effect

Beauty myth no. 1 is false! It’s actually quite the opposite. As long as your skin doesn’t change in a major way, your skincare products will keep working the same way as before. Regular use over a longer period of time is in fact very beneficial, especially with products that contain hyaluronic acid, since the supply of active ingredients and hydration needs to be replenished regularly. This keeps the skin looking plump and healthy and helps dehydrated skin to recover.

Frowning causes wrinkles

Beauty myth no. 1 is true! Our mothers and grandmothers have warned us time and time again: ”Stop frowning or you will get wrinkles!" Is that true? Unfortunately, yes. Wrinkles are not just a sign of natural skin aging. Facial expressions play a huge role as well. Many contractions of our facial muscles happen unconsciously and are almost impossible to control. This leads to the formation of smile lines, deep crow’s feet around the eyes or the dreaded frown lines on the forehead. When skin elasticity decreases, expression lines are inevitably going to appear – which is why botox has become so popular. But that alone is not enough. Eating a healthy diet, drinking lots of water and using a good moisturizer can help to delay the onset of wrinkles. We recommend our EXTREME LIFT collection with paracress extract, a natural alternative to botox. It relaxes your facial muscles without freezing your facial expressions. Face yoga and wearing sunglasses can also help to prevent premature wrinkles.

Don’t start using anti-aging products too early

This myth is just partly true.  Fact is: The skin’s natural aging process starts in your mid 20s. The exact time depends on your individual lifestyle and genetics, of course. If you start to take care of your skin early, you can definitely delay the onset of wrinkles. Once they have become visible, they are much more difficult to combat. That is why it’s always better to take preventive measures early on! However, you don’t need to use rich anti-aging creams at 20. Those are usually too heavy for young skin and can irritate the skin or even lead to zits and acne breakouts. Pre-aging products with plenty of antioxidants, like our OCEAN ELEMENTS collection for young skin, are a great solution. They protect the skin from blue light and environmental stressors that cause premature skin aging. And our all time favorite to maintain young and healthy skin: Sun protection - always! A good broad-spectrum sunscreen will not just protect you from UV rays, sunburn and sun damage, but also prevent sun-induced skin aging. You can also mix your sunscreen with your moisturizer. But don’t forget to wash it off and cleanse your face before bed!

Myth or fact? This is what our experts have to say

You should stick to the same skincare routine all year long

Beauty myth no. 1 is false! Your skin needs more hydration during the summer, while lipid-rich products are better for winter skin. And why is that? Our beauty experts explain that our sebaceous glands are less active when temperatures drop and cannot supply the skin with enough ‘oil’. Dry air from indoor heating is another factor that strips the skin of moisture. That is why a heavier, richer face cream is great for dry skin in the winter months, while lightweight formulas (gels or lightweight moisturizers) keep the skin well hydrated during the summer. Vanessa‘s tip: "I use the products from our HYALURONIC UREA collection. Personally, I like to use the regular cream from October to March and switch to the Cream Light in April. They both contain the same concentration of beneficial ingredients, just a different amount of lipids."

Make-up causes acne and does not allow your skin to breathe

Beauty myth no. 1 is false! "This may have been true 50 years ago. Today, however, make-up is extremely advanced: Nourishing ingredients turn foundations and co. into a luxury treatment for your skin. Nothing gets clogged anymore!" says Andrea. Quite the opposite. Make-up can even protect the skin from dirt particles and pollutants. Nevertheless, it is still extremely important to remove your make-up and cleanse your face every day. “Don’t use make-up wipes, however, but a good cleanser combined with a suitable toner, " Andrea adds.

Moisturizer isn’t necessary for oily skin

Beauty myth no. 1 is false! "Skincare and face care is and always will be extremely important, pretty much regardless of your skin type: whether you have oily skin, dry skin or a little bit of everything. The only thing you need to make sure, is that the products are suitable for you and your skin. Many people with oily skin tend to avoid moisturizers or use products that not just get rid of excess oil, but lead to over-drying. Unfortunately, this will often achieve the opposite of what they want. The more you try to dry your oily skin, the more your skin will try to compensate by increasing sebum production even more. You just have to find a product with the right texture. A lightweight moisturizer with hyaluronic acid, serums or gels can work wonders for your skin, without stripping it of moisture. If you are not sure which products are best for you, please use our DALTON Product Finder.

Using perfume before spending time in the sun can lead to dark spots

Beauty myth no. 1 is true! Essential oils, like lemon, bergamot and lavender essence can increase sun sensitivity, also called photosensitivity. When they remain on the skin, too much sun exposure can send melanin production into overdrive and lead to brown spots on the skin. Melanin is a pigment found in skin cells that gives the skin its color. However, there is a simple trick to prevent this from happening and avoid hyperpigmentation: Spray your favorite perfume on your hair or clothing. Alternatively, you can make sure that your summer fragrance doesn’t contain any photosensitive ingredients when buying. But here’s an even easier solution: Just use a fast-absorbing, scented body lotion, so you can moisturize and pamper your body while enjoying the lingering fragrance. Our insider tip is the Q10 Body Lotion with anti-aging effect.

When you use a product for too long, it loses its effect

Beauty myth no. 1 is false! It’s actually quite the opposite. As long as your skin doesn’t change in a major way, your skincare products will keep working the same way as before. Regular use over a longer period of time is in fact very beneficial, especially with products that contain hyaluronic acid, since the supply of active ingredients and hydration needs to be replenished regularly. This keeps the skin looking plump and healthy and helps dehydrated skin to recover.

Frowning causes wrinkles

Beauty myth no. 1 is true! Our mothers and grandmothers have warned us time and time again: ”Stop frowning or you will get wrinkles!" Is that true? Unfortunately, yes. Wrinkles are not just a sign of natural skin aging. Facial expressions play a huge role as well. Many contractions of our facial muscles happen unconsciously and are almost impossible to control. This leads to the formation of smile lines, deep crow’s feet around the eyes or the dreaded frown lines on the forehead. When skin elasticity decreases, expression lines are inevitably going to appear – which is why botox has become so popular. But that alone is not enough. Eating a healthy diet, drinking lots of water and using a good moisturizer can help to delay the onset of wrinkles. We recommend our EXTREME LIFT collection with paracress extract, a natural alternative to botox. It relaxes your facial muscles without freezing your facial expressions. Face yoga and wearing sunglasses can also help to prevent premature wrinkles.

Don’t start using anti-aging products too early

This myth is just partly true.  Fact is: The skin’s natural aging process starts in your mid 20s. The exact time depends on your individual lifestyle and genetics, of course. If you start to take care of your skin early, you can definitely delay the onset of wrinkles. Once they have become visible, they are much more difficult to combat. That is why it’s always better to take preventive measures early on! However, you don’t need to use rich anti-aging creams at 20. Those are usually too heavy for young skin and can irritate the skin or even lead to zits and acne breakouts. Pre-aging products with plenty of antioxidants, like our OCEAN ELEMENTS collection for young skin, are a great solution. They protect the skin from blue light and environmental stressors that cause premature skin aging. And our all time favorite to maintain young and healthy skin: Sun protection - always! A good broad-spectrum sunscreen will not just protect you from UV rays, sunburn and sun damage, but also prevent sun-induced skin aging. You can also mix your sunscreen with your moisturizer. But don’t forget to wash it off and cleanse your face before bed!

Now what about using toothpaste as a spot treatment for pimples and zits? No, unfortunately toothpaste is not the miracle acne treatment it is often made out to be. Before trying any home remedies, you should rather use anti-pimple products or anti-pimple masks that are specially designed for acne-prone skin. Using the wrong products or household items like toothpaste can even worsen acne and irritate the skin. That means: Toothpaste goes on your toothbrush and special acne treatments go on your skin to treat pimples and inflammation. The myth that “Toothpaste is a great remedy for pimples” is definitely just a myth. We recommend our anti-inflammatory DERMA CONTROL SOS Spot Concentrate. Apply directly onto zits or affected areas to reduce pimple size and soothe inflammation.

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