DALTON انترناشيونال DALTON انترناشيونال

Where to buy Dalton in Arab speaking countries:

Made in Germany – at home in the world. You can buy DALTON skincare products wherever people love the sea.

In the following, if you click on the respective country, you can search for your local pharmacy or local online store where DALTON skincare products are available. If your country is not mentioned, you are welcome to contact us via our contact form or you can send us an e-mail to export@dalton-cosmetics.com 


Al Manara Pharmacy is the UAE's leading pharmacy-led health and beauty retailer with a growing network of more than 50+ stores. They are a part of Delta Medical Est. based in Abu Dhabi. Al Manara Pharmacy group distribute DALTON skincare products in the UAE since 2010.

Store locator UAE: Please click here

Online Store UAE: Please click here


Al Manara Pharmacy is the UAE's leading pharmacy-led health and beauty retailer with a growing network of more than 50+ stores. They are a part of Delta Medical Est. based in Abu Dhabi. Al Manara Pharmacy group distribute DALTON skincare products in the UAE since 2010.

Store locator UAE: Please click here

Online Store UAE: Please click here


Drug Center Pharmacy is a retail pharmacy chain consisting of 18 branches distributed all over Amman, the Capital of Jordan. The company’s mission is to provide its customers with medicines, cosmetics, medical devices, and everything related to the body care at any life stage whether it is from local or international vendors. Drug Center Pharmacy distribute DALTON skincare products in Jordan since 2010.


Store locator Jordan: Please click here

Online Store Jordan: Under construction


Drug Center Pharmacy is a retail pharmacy chain consisting of 18 branches distributed all over Amman, the Capital of Jordan. The company’s mission is to provide its customers with medicines, cosmetics, medical devices, and everything related to the body care at any life stage whether it is from local or international vendors. Drug Center Pharmacy distribute DALTON skincare products in Jordan since 2010.


Store locator Jordan: Please click here

Online Store Jordan: Under construction


Pharmalife Import and Export is a company established in 2009 by a group of pharmacists. It started with one pharmacy, Al-Shifaa Pharmaceutical Pharmacy, and within three years, the company was able to become a group of Al-Dawaa pharmacies that enjoys a distinguished reputation and position in the Kuwaiti market. Pharmalife distribute DALTON skincare products in Kuwait since 2015.


Online Store Kuwait: Please click here

Hotline: +96569991733


Pharmalife Import and Export is a company established in 2009 by a group of pharmacists. It started with one pharmacy, Al-Shifaa Pharmaceutical Pharmacy, and within three years, the company was able to become a group of Al-Dawaa pharmacies that enjoys a distinguished reputation and position in the Kuwaiti market. Pharmalife distribute DALTON skincare products in Kuwait since 2015.


Online Store Kuwait: Please click here

Hotline: +96569991733


Armada represents its brands in the local market to bring top quality products, services and trends from across the globe to professional beauty experts and hair stylists in Lebanon. Armada distributes DALTON skincare products in Lebanon since 2017.


Website: Please click here

Hotline: +9611274022 or +96171251818


Armada represents its brands in the local market to bring top quality products, services and trends from across the globe to professional beauty experts and hair stylists in Lebanon. Armada distributes DALTON skincare products in Lebanon since 2017.


Website: Please click here

Hotline: +9611274022 or +96171251818


Protechpharma distributes DALTON skincare products in Morocco since 2023.

At the moment you could purchase DALTON skin care in selected parapharmacies and online.


Website: Please click here

Online Store Morocco: Please click here


Protechpharma distributes DALTON skincare products in Morocco since 2023.

At the moment you could purchase DALTON skin care in selected parapharmacies and online.


Website: Please click here

Online Store Morocco: Please click here

من أين تشتري منتجات DALTON

العلامة التجارية في جميع أنحاء العالم

صنع في المانيا – في المنزل في العالم. يمكنك شراء منتجات DALTON بكل مكان، أينما أحب الناس البحر.

If you would like to purchase DALTON skin care products in another country, please choose from the following list:




أستراليا | النمسا |البحرينبلجيكا| بلغارياكرواتيا |قبرص | جمهورية التشيكالدنمارك  | إستونيافنلندافرنساالمانيا | اليونانهونغ كونغهنغارياإندونيسياأيرلنداإيطالياالاردنكورياالكويتلاتفيا | لبنان| ليختنشتاينليتوانيالوكسمبورغ | مقدونيا| مدغشقر | ماليزيا| مالطا |موريشيوس | موناكو  | هولندابولنداالبرتغالقطررومانيا| روسياالمملكة العربية السعودية| سنغافورة| سلوفاكيا| سلوفينيا   | إسبانياالسويدسويسرا| تركياأوكرانيا| الامارات العربية المتحدةالمملكة المتحدةفيتنام

...والمزيد للمتابعة!

If you are a distributor for cosmetic products and interested in partnering with DALTON MARINE COSMETICS, we would love to talk to you.

Please send an e-mail to export@dalton-cosmetics.com

Our export team is looking forward to your approach!